Play world
Conrad is a thief of 28 years specializing in the handling of the sword. Paladin in the soul, he wanted to become a thief in order to redistribute its booty the poor.
Sylvia is champion in handling weapons and launching more particularly the boomerang. Daughter of good family, she has always loved jewellery and is always ready when he proposes to pay its share in precious stones.
Yvan, 32 years, is a barbarian who defends himself with an axe. He's at the service the highest bidder but failed to work for unscrupulous employers or against defenceless beings.
Imrick, 27 years, has always been fascinated by magic. He is disgusted by the idea of using a conventional weapon: he raises the loot to buy grimoires and spells.
Kira is a childhood friend of Sylvia, but unlike her, is not impressed by jewelry and ostentation. She defends herself with a simple stick. Quite nice, its main shortcoming is to have a special character that makes her rather difficult to live on a daily basis.
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